Ubuntu: gconf-editor is your friend

Sunday 14 September 2008

This video is part of Ubuntu & Linux tutorials series.
In this video explained what gconf-editor is, how to use it, and what it offers.
This tutorial works on other systems such as Fedora and gNewSense, but only if they are GNOME-based. Also, some systems may not have this installed.


Debian Etch SELinux in few minutes

Tuesday 9 September 2008

I made this video to show how easy is install and activate Security Enhanced Linux on Debian.


Ubuntu Tutorial: Compiz Cube & Special Effects

Monday 8 September 2008

Ubuntu Tutorial for beginners. Learn to:
- Enable Special Effects
- Enable Desktop Cube
** Using Ubuntu 8.04 LTS

More info:
- if you couldnt see or hear it the code i put in terminal was "ccsm"
- the code after that was "sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager"


Ubuntu Restricted Formats

Sunday 7 September 2008

iTechster.com In this tutorial I will show you how to be able to play those video files from Windows Media & Quicktime Players & Flash among others but installing the Ubuntu Restricted Formats. Now on Linux you can watch & hear those videos.


Anonymous Web Browsing with Tor and Privoxy, Part 2

Thursday 4 September 2008

Second part of Tor and Privoxy howto.


Anonymous Web Browsing with Tor and Privoxy, Part 1

Monday 1 September 2008

The internet is great for many things, but not privacy. Luckily, anonymity networks like Tor and proxy servers like Privoxy can give a certain level of privacy while online. They are not perfect, but they work very well. This video needed to be split into two parts because of the breadth of the material. The first part is simply about what Tor is and how it works. The second part contains step-by-step instructions for installing Tor and Privoxy on your GNU/Linux box.



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