Linux: Installing iPodLinux on iPod Nano

Monday 15 January 2007

This video is about installing iPodLinux to iPod Nano player. Installation process taken from arab_freak's tutorial.

Notes from creator of this video

The one crucial part to remember is that whenver you enter disk mode, you must do it BEFORE the apple logo appears or you may have to start over.

So far not one iPod has been "bricked" from installing iPodLinux, but anything is possible. The maker of this video as well as the contributors to iPodLinux are NOT responsible for anything that happens to your iPod or your computer while attempting this, BUT several users will assist you if you need help. Just visit the iPodLinux forums. Please read around before you post your problem.

This video has nothing to do with Apple Inc. This video is for educational purposes only.

Final note: pause the video to read the text!



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