- Photoshop - Hitman entering the scene

Wednesday, 4 July 2007

Here's an easy way to make the "James Bond" effect of Hitman entering the scene...

1. Start of by creating document 500x400px. Now, create triangle using pen, and with the inside color #929292.

2. Contionue creating triangles...

3. Untill you finish full circle of them...

4. We'll use this shape picture of james bond,

which we will transform into this, by simply using black brush on white surfaces, and deleting white surfaces with background eraser tool...

5. Now, create new layer, and import the picture of the man entering the scene...

6. Add also a shadow under the man. We need to copy the background with man's silhouette and use Free Transform (by clicking the right button of the mouse on the background) and display the silhouettes on 180* vertically.Also, change the opacity – 71% on the inverted layer.

There it is!



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