Linux HOWTO: Access your desktop remotely using VNC/SSH

Monday 25 August 2008

Have you ever wished you could access your desktop from another computer over the internet? There are many proprietary programs that allow you to do this, but Linux has all the tools you need to accomplish this securely, effectively, and for free. All you need is SSH (included in most Linux distros) and a VNC server. This video explains how to install and configure the software so you can access your desktop from anywhere, even on a windows PC (use PUTTY and TightVNC)
Network configuration can be tricky and I certainly didn't have time in the video to consider different networking hardware setups.
./vncinstall must be run as a root user:

$ pwd
$ su root
Password: *******
# ./vncinstall /usr/local/bin /usr/local/man



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