Linux Multimedia Studio

Thursday, 30 October 2008

This is Linux Multimedia Studio. A Open Source and free full featured sound creation and mix/synthesize studio for GNU/Linux Operating Systems. That video show a example song that come with it and how to manage the interface nicely.
Site -
Program License: GPL (GNU Public License)
Linux Multimedia Studio also known as LMMS is a Copyright � 2004-2008 LMMS Developers.


Howto: Modify your .bashrc (terminal startup message)

Sunday, 26 October 2008

So, on other websites I've been on, I've heard lots of people asking me how to modify the startup message when you telnet to your server or start up a terminal client. Well, I decided I'd create a How-to on just that.


Shopping girl in a blue town

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

In this step-by-step tutorial, a will show you how to create modern and practical transparent animation. You can use this animation in some presentation, banner, or on some web site. This animation is simple, and you will not have any need for Action Scripting.

Step 1

Create nwe flash document. Press Ctrl + J on your keyboard (Document Properties) and set the weidth of your document to 450px, and height to 300px. Select any color for your background. Set any color for your background. Set Frame rate to 28fps.

Step 2

Take the picture from:
Import the picture by: Go to File > Import > Import to stage (Shortcut key: Ctrl+R) > picture1.jpg (picture of blue town)

Step 3

Picture is currently selected, so go to Align Panel (Ctrl+K) and do the following:
1. Check if Align/Distribute to Stage button is off.
2. Click on Align horisontal center button.
3. Click on Align vertical center button.

Step 4

Picture is still selected, press F8 (Convert to Symbol) to make this picture a Moviea Clip symbol

Step 5

Now, go to frame 20, 120, 140, and press F6 on each frame

Step 6

On frame 140, picture is still selected, if you ahve lost your selection, choose Selection Tool (V), anc click on the picture to select it. After that, go to Properties Panel (Ctrl+F3). On your right side, you will see color menu. Choose Advanced, and click on Settings button, and put these aprameters and click ok.

Do this for the first frame also.

Step 7

Double-click on the name of the layer1, and change it to "Town"

Step 8

Create Motion Tween between frames 1 and 20, and frames 120 and 140

Step 9

Now, create new layer above layer Town, and call it Girl

Step 10

Take the picture from:
Now click on frame 20 on layer Girl, and press F6. You are still on frame 20 of the layer Girl. Go to File > Import > Import to stage > picture2.png

Step 11

Picture is still selected. Preess F8 (Convert to Symbol) to change the picture into Movie Clip Symbol.

Step 12

Now click on frame 30, 35 i 40 and press F6 on each frame

Step 13

Go back to frame 20 and set picture to this position:

Step 14

Take the Selection Tool (V) and click on the picture. After that, select the filters tab, click on "plus" icon, and select Blur filter and set following values:

Step 15

Select frame 30 and set picture in the position as I did

Do the same thing with the frames 35 and 40

Step 16

Go back to frame 30, take Free Transform Tool (Q) and zoom in the picture

Step 17

Take Selection Tool (V) and click on the picture to select it. After that go to Properties Panel (Ctrl+F3), you'll see color menu. Choose Tint, and set following values:

Now, you'll get this picture:

Step 18

Select frame 40, again, take Selection Tool (V) and click onece on the picture to select it. Select Filter tab and click plus icon and choose Glow filter, and set these values:

Step 19

Create Motion Tween between frames 20 and 30, frames 30 and 35 and frames 35 i 40

Step 20

Click once on frame 110, and press F6 six times

Step 21

Click on frames 111, 113 i 155 and press Delete button on your keyboard. As shown on picture:

Step 22

Click on frame 120, and press F6

Step 23

You are still on frame 120, set the picture as shown on picture

Step 24

After that take Selection Tool (V) and click on the picture once, select filters tab, click on the plus icon, and take Blur filter, and set these parameters:

Step 25

Create Motion Tween between frames 115 and 120

And we'r done!

Test your animation, and enjoy

End result:


Creating 3D box for applications, products...

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

In this tutorial, i will show you how to make 3D box for an application (or any product), by using Photoshop. The technique is very simple, and the result can be astonishing, and very creative. Before we start making this box, it would be usefull to make a picture that presents sides of our box.

Step 1:
Remember that while you create pages of your box (their apperance), do them separatly, and, in the end, put them side by side, as shown on picture.

Step 2:
Now we will bend the sides, so we get 3D effect. First, take care to group or merge all layers of one page of the box. It's important to do with one object. When you have selected front side of this 3D box, choose "Move tool", and make "Show Transform Controls" on, as shown on picture.

In the end, you should get the front side that is marked like this:

Now the improtant part comes. While you hold Ctrl+Alt+Shift, with your mouse click on the upper right corner, and slowly draw downwards. By holding these commands, you'll make both pages (upper right, and lower right) move simultainosly. Experiment while you don't get the right angle...
The result should be as follows:

When we have done this effect, we eill notice that this front page is little more streched than we want it to be (it spoils 3D effect). We will narrow it by doing this:
Choose option Transform -> Scale , and while holding middle right pad (square that allows you to click on it and draw left-right) draw it little to the middle. Effect that we want to achieve is this:

Step 3:
When we have finished this, we can freely say that we have finished with the front side. Repeat the same technique on the side also. How to move it, and on what all depends on your imagination.. If you can not see in advance how it should look, take standard box, and look on what angle the edges are..
End look is like this:

The box is over!
What we are left to do is polishing, to make it look more cool.
Step 4:
We will do several steps to make this box shiny. First we will do is make a stand. The stand is going to be gradient that you can see on the following picture:

We do this in a following way...
First, choose two colors in toolbox, one gray (the background color), and the other is a bit lighter compared to first color. When you have set that, create new layer on top of the project. Then choose "Gradient tool" from toolbox. After that, create one gradietn object on the new layer. Draw from horisontal middle towards the edges to get one gradient circle. Then, cimply select upper half (from vertical half of the circle upwards) and delete that part.
In the end, all you need to do is to set created layer so it stands between background and box.
All that should approximate the picture showen above.

Step 5:
In the following steps we will show you how to make shining on our 3D box. For the start it would be usefull to make duplicate of two sides of your box. When you have made duplicates, selct them and do:
Edit -> Transform -> Flip Vertical
After that, move those parts below our 3D box, so that edges of our 3D box, and it's reflection touch as on the picture below.

Now, by using Edit > Transofrm > Skew we will set that each side of this reflection is completly in touch with the edges of 3D box. So, select one side, choose this option, and move those edges that do not touch the edges of the 3D box. When you do that on both sides, reduce their opacity to 50%...
And the result should be....

On this picture, you also see that lower part of the reflection dissapears.. I did that by using opacity Layer mask.

That is it.
Experiment a bit with different perspectives of the box, so as to see what else you can get.



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